About Us
While our roots are in the sailing industry, Wyckam has grown into a custom industrial sewing shop specializing in shade sails and rain sails and all kinds of custom projects. Wyckam has the following capabilities:
Located in our same building is the North Sails Oregon sail loft, where you can buy new custom race and cruising sails, line, and sailboat rigging.
About Us – A bit of our history:
After a couple of Olympic campaigns in the 1990’s, Kerry Poe decided to take his expertise from campaigning in the 470 class and put it to use in a career in sailmaking. In 1998 Kerry bought a Portland sail loft and started selling North Sails and repairing sails and canvas. Because he already had industrial sewing machines, the business soon was expanding to non-marine heavy industrial sewing jobs.
At the time, Kerry’s wife Amy was working as a failure analysis engineer. In 2000 Amy left her engineering job to join Kerry at North Sails. Within a few years the canvas side of the business was growing enough that Amy split off a separate company, North Winds Canvas, to handle the custom canvas projects. Because of her engineering background, Amy was able to bring North Winds Canvas to the forefront of marine and industrial canvas technology. As an early adaptators to 3D digitizing, CAD design, and automated plotting and cutting, Amy has been a guest speaker at the Marine Fabricators Association convention on adaptation of modern technology in marine fabrication shops.
Not long after the formation of North Winds Canvas that it became apparent that there was a high demand for our services outside of the marine industry. North Winds Canvas was building such things as architectural award winning light diffusion and light reflectors for the EPA building in Colorado, retractable outdoor enclosures, movie sets, shade and rain sails and much more. In 2014 the company was re-branded Wyckam, and the focus was shifted to prototyping of sewn goods, custom sewing, and tensioned fabric structures. In addition, several new lines of small production run goods were brought on.
If you have questions or comments about any of our products of services, you can call us anytime M-F from 9-5pm PST, at 503-282-4282, or email us by clicking here